December is here! We are almost nearing the end of 2019. Time to make New year resolutions!
Wait! What about the ones you did last year? Going to the gym might have been one on your list. You may have made plans and started, only to quit at some point. Well, you are not alone! Many go through such a situation and eventually may not reach their fitness goal.
Why do we end up having it on our new year resolution list every year? To start with there might have been many distractions which might have caused you to drift away from reaching your goal. The most common ones being lack of time, laziness, your sickness or your family member falling sick, heavy workload, emergencies etc. the list being endless. So, How to keep yourself motivated in the Gym?
Where to find that Workout motivation to push yourself to the gym every single day with the same enthusiasm? The answer lies within you.
Just believe in yourself. Even if you don’t, pretend that you do, at some point YOU WILL- Serena Williams
Here are a few recommended tactics that should help you reach your fitness goal. We are sure that this time, nothing will stop you.
What's new about setting goals? Were they realistic or practical? By realistic we mean goals which are very clear with milestones. It may be as simple as fitting into that dress you bought 2 years or losing X kgs before a family wedding coming up in Y months. But make sure that they are not overly ambitious. Short term goals are achievable and help a lot to stay motivated when you can achieve them.
Have a schedule for the week to plan better and avoid missing your Gym workouts due to any obstacles. Heading to the gym early morning is the best-recommended routine as you are fresh in the morning. The bonus is an opportunity to plan your work for the rest of the day. You may find it tough during the initial few mornings but with some perseverance, you will start enjoying the routine.
Are you someone who gets bored easily doing the same workouts or exercises? It’s time to add some variety to spice up your daily routine.
Make sure to include exercises you love doing and find replacements for those you don’t. Try different variations, for example instead of daily straight bar bicep curls, try dumbbell curls one day and Cable bicep curls the next. These variations should help you get rid of boredom and stay motivated to do more.
Listening to motivational music helps you handle those tough workouts well and gets the adrenaline rushing to workout with ease.
Find a gym partner who you enjoy working out with. Someone who will push you and motivate you to go to the gym. Having a gym partner not only helps you stay motivated but also makes the workouts fun and accountable. What’s more, you can share tips and celebrate each other’s milestones. Go find that Gym buddy and keep it going!

Though having a personal trainer is heavy on your pockets, it is worth it. A Certified trainer helps you with a workout plan to achieve your goals. The trainer may also help you with tips, nutrition and guide you on using the different types of gym equipment if you are a beginner. A trainer also helps you stay motivated and gives that much-needed push to attain your goals.
There may be times when you feel you are not making any progress. That is why it is important to track your progress, for it will keep you motivated. Keeping track of your weight and recording it at the end of every week is one of the simplest ways to stay motivated. Maintaining a workout journal also helps.
There are various tools and apps available online to make it easy.
Here is a list of a few Apps. Choose as per your fitness needs.
- Sworkfit – You can interact with personal trainers and also follow guided plans according to your fitness levels
- My Fitness Pal – This has all you need to stay healthy and track your progress. From calorie intake suggestion to daily food intake, exercises this app summarises it for you every day.
- Nike+ Training –This app is know for its exceptional quality content, great workout videos and creation of personalised workout plans when you enter age, height etc.
- 7 Minute – A great fitness friend for busy people who don’t have a workout plan and yet want to workout for a few minutes. This App suggests a range of workouts like classic, Leg Workout, Butt Workout or a 30-day challenge. Choose as per your needs and it tracks your daily progress.
This is very useful to those who put in a lot of effort to visit the gym and feel demotivated easily. Beat the blues by rewarding yourself when you achieve your fitness goals. The rewards can be as simple as an indulgence over the weekend or relaxing from your routine for a day. These kinds of rewards help develop a habit of having a disciplined workout. When you cultivate this habit you will never have to worry about motivation or missing your workouts.
When you get into a disciplined routine of hitting the gym every day, your body some
times may not be in a position to handle the rigorous routine and may need rest. Listen to your body and set aside some time so that your body gets the rest it needs. If you are not willing to rest completely, it is advisable to take up lighter physical activities which helps your body recover. This way you can overcome fatigue and get back to your next workout fully charged.
If going to the gym is not what interests you, explore group classes like dance, fitness, cross-training or kickboxing which is a good alternative to the workouts. Swimming is a good option too. Choose your routine wisely for what is most important is that you never give up. Staying motivated is not easy. Exercising daily and making it a habit is very important to improve the quality of life.
Are you ready to follow these tips and stay motivated?